
i have a home!

Well, an apartment anyway.

Well, I don't really *have* it yet. They're still running a criminal background check. Hope those pesky armed robbery charges don't come up.

But still: I *should* have a home by the time I get out to DC. Hooray!

I'll be living in Arlington, just two miles away from the Pentagon. Hope the terroristas don't attack again. Then again, I *chose* Beirut as a vacation destination. Trouble doesn't find me so much as I tend to drop in on it.

Anyhow, this is all thanks to my Fabulous Roommate, who sweated her ass off (and just generally exhausted herself) looking for a place for us to share. I definitely owe her, but seeing as how I'm not much of a cook, I'm thinking I'll buy her a pizza and some beer. Who doesn't love that?

Doesn't it look NICE? It has a pool and a super-nice gym AND central air. Oh yeah. It's the lap of luxury. Best of all: it'll have a couch for all my friends to crash on. Yay!


Elizabeth said...
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Jessica said...

Nice apartamento.
Looks like Davis dorms.

eva said...

I know. But it is really nice and even though it looks like Irvine (and Davis) it's close to an honest-to-goodness subway stop and a REAL city, so it works just fine for me. :)

Jessica said...

hey, those pics you posted of Beirut looked like Davis dorms...so I guess you really can't escape it.