
walk like an Egyptian

We did, all over the Egyptian Museum today and my legs are killing me. It didn't help that last night I had a massive cramp in my leg for a solid hour. You know me, if I don't twist my ankle, I'm bound to hurt myself somehow. I'm sure a twisted ankle is coming up.

But let's start at the beginning.

Arrived last night in Cairo and less than an hour later, Courtney appeared to meet us in baggage claim. We caught a taxi to our hotel on Eltahrir Square and can see the Nile from our room. Yeah, it's awesome here.

We all got a solid night's sleep and have been wandering the streets of downtown Cairo that surround us. At every corner we're met by "friendly" locals, who insist they're not interested in your money and helpfully tell you that the museum/Internet cafe/etc. is closed but their business is open. It took us two times and we learned the trick.

Tonight we're having dinner with a friend of a friend, who helped Courtney and I buy tickets on the overnight train to Luxor. After seeing the neverending collection of sarcophaguses (sarcophagi?), jewels, etc. in the Museum, we're anxious to get to the tombs themselves. And tomorrow: The Pyramids!

1 comment:

Jessica said...

Hey jetsetter!
I'm glad you're having a blast in Africa.
Is it blazing, boobsweat hot there?
I couldn't take that. I'll have to experience it through your pictures.