
so much to update so little time

Several exciting developments in the last few weeks that I've been meaning to post, but have lacked time that is otherwise devoted to hundreds of pages of weekly reading assignments. Ugh. On the upside: I'm really enjoying all my classes this semester and so am even happier to be working less and devoting even MORE time to reading. Hooray!

On to the excitement (in pictures):

First, it actually SNOWED about a week ago. And since then it's been flurrying on and off every few days. This is the kind of snow I can deal with -- light coats on the trees and streets. Just enough to make everything pretty and not-slushy or otherwise dangerous and a pain to deal with. Here's what it looked like outside my front door last Sunday:

In other Exciting Developments, I attended my first honest-to-goodness Washington protest (and really my first actual protest ever seeing as how journalists can't protest.) We got to chant fun phrases like "Bush! You liar! Your cowboy ass is fired!" Though, I must say, my favorite was Eve Ensler's (of "Vagina Monologues" fame) getting all the women in the crowd to shout "Pull out now!" Ahhh. Hippie humor.

Here's what the streets surrounding the Capitol looked like as we marched:


Also, in exciting appliances news: A couple weeks ago I bought a TV for $25 from a moving sale. This weekend I hit up Target for a DVD player and a little TV stand. So now we have what passes for an entertainment center in our little television-deprived household. Still don't have cable, but that does mean that visitors will no longer be reduced to watching movies on our laptops. Hooray!

Finally, SoCal kids, get out your Blackberries/DayPlanners/scrap pieces of paper. I'll be home March 3-11 for spring break (hooray! I get spring break!) and am bringing with me a certain native of Detroit, Michigan for the ride. So you best be prepared for some good times.


Elizabeth said...

Dude, what's wrong with watching movies on a laptop?

Isn't it fun to be here when there are protests? The first ANSWER rally against the war (before it even started; doesn't that seem like a lifetime ago?) was a couple of months after I moved here, and it was thrilling to go march down on the Mall.

Jessica said...

Oh, you twirly whirly protest hippie.

Just don't get into the free-trade, shade grown coffee melee.
Please, I beg you!

Anonymous said...

Ten years ago, a crack commando unit was sent to prison by a military court for a crime they didn't commit. These men promptly escaped from a maximum security stockade to the Los Angeles underground. Today, still wanted by the government, they survive as soldiers of fortune. If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire... The A-Team