
things to do when i've finished my thesis

Actually, the list on my desk is titled: Things to do when I'm DONE (double underline under the DONE)

(Also, for those curious, I'll be DONE sometime after 2:30 p.m. on Friday, May 16. Not that I'm counting or anything.)

When you're working on the fourth set of revisions to a 20-page chapter that provides an overview of the literature supporting your argument that indeed electronic media does have a role to play in democratic development, you need an end goal in sight. A light at the end of the tunnel. Or, more to the point, 10 lights at the end of the tunnel. (Though I'm fairly certain this list will grow longer.)

As it stands now (and in no particular order):

1. SLEEP (oh how I covet thee.)
2. Guitar lessons (How long have I been saying I'll do this? I'll be -- hopefully -- gainfully employed with significantly more free time to juggle.)
3. Couples yoga with V. (Can't believe I just published that on the internets, but we'd talked about it this week and as much as I despised yoga the first time around, I'm willing to give it another go if only because the V Man himself is actually quite enthused about the idea.)
4. Go out more (dancing, bars, restaurants, game nights with friends, anything social, really.)
5. Attempt to cook more complicated meals. (last night's highlight: pasta with any vegetable left in the fridge. actually turned out decent.)
6. See things on the East Coast that are not in the Greater Washington Area. (I never ever leave the Capitol except for Thanksgiving, Christmas, and..oh wait. That's it. I never leave. Le sigh.)
7. Exercise (No, really. I'd started jogging a few weeks ago on Saturday mornings. Then there was the Saturday that it was 10 degrees. Then there was the Saturday after I fell down the stairs banging my back in the worst possible locations and walking was painful. I'm walking a lot though!)
8. Read novels. (Oh books, how I miss you. How I miss a decent story that isn't an academic treatise on the Importance of Democracy.)
9. Read the entire Sunday paper, possibly even at a coffee shop. (Whaaaaa??? A lazy Sunday you say? Impossible!)
10. (related to 9) Not feel guilty about not working on a Sunday. (or a Saturday for that matter. A girl can dream.)


Elizabeth said...

After I graduated I would have moments of panic on the weekends because HOLY CRAP I WAS HAVING FUN INSTEAD OF WRITING WHAT AM I THINKING I NEED TO GET HOME AND WORK. And then I would remember and go back to having fun, but that nagging doubt was still there.

Also? My thesis advisor finally had to tell me to stop revising the literature review.

Anonymous said...


Yoga is so wonderful. It is much like coffee or wine or beer where it is an acquired activity. So, the first few times might be painful, uncomfortable, weird, useless, or just embarrassing... but I promise that after a while you won't want to just go once a week! Anyway, good luck. I miss you!! Talk to you soon.


eva said...

Elizabeth: Thing is, my advisor is the one who keeps making me revise. But I think (hope, pray) that this is the final iteration.

Knar: Thank you lovey, I'll try it again, but I really thought it was much too hippie dippy for my taste. You have to agree though, visualizing your brother a) doing yoga and b) getting excited about doing yoga is pretty hilarious.

Jessica said...

I really am having trouble seeing you doing yoga...
Visualize your chakra...or whatever...
Insert roll of eyes here.

Get out your twirly skirt hippie girl!!